Statistics and meaning of name Farrouilh

We have no records about Farrouilh being used as firstname.
Surname Farrouilh is used at least 17 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Netherlands)

Given names
Rene Farrouilh (2)
Christian Farrouilh (2)
Veronique Farrouilh (1)
Virginie Farrouilh (1)
Benoit Farrouilh (1)
Florian Farrouilh (1)
Serge Farrouilh (1)
Roger Farrouilh (1)
Christiane Farrouilh (1)
Dominique Farrouilh (1)
Francoise Farrouilh (1)
Michel Farrouilh (1)
Sebastien Farrouilh (1)

Surname Farrouilh in France   

Farrouilh reversed is Hliuorraf
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Oharilurf Farrihluo Lohrifura Hilofurar
Misspells: Forrouilh Falrouilh Farrrouilh Farrouylh Farroujlh Farrouelh Farrouilha Frarouilh Farrouihl Farroulih

Rhymes: Anouilh fulfill still skill thrill shrill

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Spain Thailand

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