Statistics and meaning of name Felecia
Usage: 95% firstname, 5% surname.
Felecia first name was found 8658 times in 15 different countries.
Surname Felecia is used at least 411 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Latin.
Gender of firstname Felecia is 93% feminine and 7% masculine.
Given names
Lonnqvist Felecia (1) |
Family names Felecia Masales (3) Felecia Debleh (2) Felecia Rosales (2) Felecia Nattey (1) Felecia Mcmair (1) Felecia Loney (1) Felecia Shakespeare (1) Felecia Mundey (1) Felecia Corpet (1) Felecia Windestal (1) Felecia Svensson (1) Felecia Neilan (1) Felecia Cadette (1) Felecia Sintim (1) Felecia Kambato (1) Felecia Vito (1) Felecia Romans (1) Felecia Logue (1) Felecia Holt (1) Felecia Morello (1) Felecia Tomkinson (1) Felecia Fernie (1) Felecia Hange (1) Felecia Buxton (1) Felecia Braham (1) Felecia Kerr (1) |
Felecia reversed is Aicelef
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.
Anagrams: Ecefail Feelaci Calefie Aefleic Iacfele Eifalec
Misspells: Felecio Felecya Felecja Felecea Feleciaa Fleecia Felecai Feleica
Rhymes: paramecia Alicia Felicia Garcia Leticia Lucia Marcia dilemma patella flagella caldera sierra
Meaning of name Felecia is: Happy, lucky, fortunate
This page has been visited from the following countries:
Writers: Felecia Smith, Felecia Elliot, Felecia Busch, Felecia Watkin, Felecia Froe, Felecia Wright McDuffie, Felecia M. Briscoe, Felecia L. Christian
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