Statistics and meaning of name Feni

Usage: 69% firstname, 31% surname.
Feni first name was found 134 times in 17 different countries.
Surname Feni is used at least 58 times in at least 14 countries.
Origin of this name is Hungarian.
Gender of firstname Feni is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.

      Surname Feni
Given names
Albertino Feni (2)
Angelo Feni (2)
Ferdinando Feni (2)
Roberto Feni (2)
Alessandro Feni (1)
Rosa Feni (1)
Diana Feni (1)
Mario Feni (1)
Krueziju Feni (1)
Celine Feni (1)
Marilyn Feni (1)
Natalino Feni (1)
Gabriele Feni (1)
Giuseppe Feni (1)
Aldo Feni (1)
Veliswa Feni (1)
Nelson Feni (1)
Mxousi Feni (1)
Cristiano Feni (1)
Emilio Feni (1)
Luigia Feni (1)
Mxolisi Feni (1)
Eugenio Feni (1)
Luigi Feni (1)

Given name Feni
Family names
Feni Kozul (2)
Feni Sakho (1)
Feni Balic (1)
Feni Bralic (1)
Feni Piva (1)
Feni Pellegrino (1)
Feni Shah (1)
Feni Decet (1)
Feni Mistici (1)
Feni Moretti (1)
Feni Stanescu (1)

Surname Feni in Italy   

Feni reversed is Inef
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Fein Fnei Enif Ifne Fine Inef Ienf Enfi
Misspells: Feny Fenj Fene Fenia Fnei Fein

Rhymes: Yemeni many penny jenny antennae halfpenny

Meaning of name Feni is: from the Hungarian 'fene' = 'crawfish'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Bangladesh South Africa Italy Europe Thailand United Kingdom Poland Taiwan China Croatia Austria Finland Switzerland Nigeria Indonesia Australia Algeria Brazil


Old Wiki
Name: Feni
Language: Romanian
Origin: Hungarian
Meaning: from the Hungarian fene = crawfish

Famous people: Feni Rosewidyadhari

Writers: Dumile Feni, Mslaba Feni Dumile

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or about the origins of this name?
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