Statistics and meaning of name Ferraiuoli

We have no records about Ferraiuoli being used as firstname.
Surname Ferraiuoli is used at least 29 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 费拉约利 (pinyin: fèi lā yāo lì)

      Surname Ferraiuoli
Given names
Giovanni Ferraiuoli (4)
Rosa Ferraiuoli (2)
Lina Ferraiuoli (1)
Pacifico Ferraiuoli (1)
Stefano Ferraiuoli (1)
Giuseppe Ferraiuoli (1)
Alessandra Ferraiuoli (1)
Raffaele Ferraiuoli (1)
Paolo Ferraiuoli (1)
Carmine Ferraiuoli (1)
Michele Ferraiuoli (1)
Nicola Ferraiuoli (1)
Aldo Ferraiuoli (1)

Surname Ferraiuoli in Italy   Surname Ferraiuoli in USA   

Ferraiuoli reversed is Ilouiarref
Name contains 10 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Raefuilior Reufrialio
Misspells: Ferroiuoli Felraiuoli Ferrraiuoli Ferrayuoli Ferrajuoli Ferraeuoli Ferraiuolia Freraiuoli Ferraiuoil Ferraiuloi

Rhymes: Stromboli Tripoli broccoli gladioli ravioli soli slowly emboli shallowly hollowly mellowly

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Elaine says: Tengo familia cercana proveniente de Italia de apellido Ferraiuoli. Desde pequeña supe que el apellido Ferraiuoli se traduce al español como "hierro y aceite".

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Thailand France Taiwan


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