Statistics and meaning of name Festic

We have no records about Festic being used as firstname.
Surname Festic is used at least 35 times in at least 8 countries.

      Surname Festic
Given names
Ismet Festic (3)
Mirela Festic (2)
Senad Festic (2)
Husnija Festic (2)
Amer Festic (2)
Admir Festic (2)
Gordana Festic (1)
Fatima Festic (1)
Mesud Festic (1)
Zemira Festic (1)
Lejla Festic (1)
Munib Festic (1)
Mirza Festic (1)
Asima Festic (1)
Ermin Festic (1)
Ibrahim Festic (1)
Amra Festic (1)
Dzemo Festic (1)
Diba Festic (1)
Lanna Festic (1)

Surname Festic in Croatia   Surname Festic in USA   

Festic reversed is Citsef
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Cetisf Sfeitc Fseict Esfict
Misspells: Fesstic Festyc Festjc Festec Festica Fsetic Festci Fesitc

Rhymes: domestic majestic Calvinistic Eucharistic Gnostic Hellenistic Thomistic septic hectic sceptic

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Russian Federation Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Switzerland Slovenia Belgium Denmark Turkey Italy Germany


Writers: Fatima Festic

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