Statistics and meaning of name Feticu

We have no records about Feticu being used as firstname.
Surname Feticu is used at least 66 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 费蒂库 (pinyin: fèi dì kù)

      Surname Feticu
Given names
Constantin Feticu (7)
Vasile Feticu (6)
Gheorghe Feticu (5)
Ion Feticu (4)
Paul Feticu (3)
Nicolae Feticu (3)
Adela Feticu (2)
Mihai Feticu (2)
Jeana Feticu (2)
Mihaela Feticu (2)
Irina Feticu (2)
Danut Feticu (2)
Adriana Feticu (2)
Viorica Feticu (2)
Rozalia Feticu (1)
Valeriu Feticu (1)
Valentin Feticu (1)
Traian Feticu (1)
Magdalena Feticu (1)
Elena Feticu (1)
Craiu Feticu (1)
Elvira Feticu (1)
Ionel Feticu (1)
Natalia Feticu (1)
Neculae Feticu (1)

Feticu reversed is Ucitef
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Efituc Etiufc Fitceu Tfeciu Etfiuc Ftecui Ciufte
Misspells: Fetycu Fetjcu Fetecu Feticua Fteicu Fetiuc Fetciu

Rhymes: tissue continue jujitsu miscue shiatsu

Meaning of name Feticu is: from the word 'fetic' the diminutiv of word 'făt' = 'son' , see also the name [Fetica]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Thailand Netherlands France Europe


Old Wiki
Name: Feticu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the word fetic the diminutiv of word făt = son , see also the name Fetica

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