Statistics and meaning of name Fetro

We have no records about Fetro being used as firstname.
Surname Fetro is used at least 72 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Fetro
Given names
Rene Fetro (1)
Maite Fetro (1)
Serge Fetro (1)
Christine Fetro (1)
Gerard Fetro (1)
David Fetro (1)
Laurent Fetro (1)
Elie Fetro (1)
Julie Fetro (1)
Christelle Fetro (1)
Geraldine Fetro (1)
Agnes Fetro (1)
Didier Fetro (1)
Christian Fetro (1)
Magalie Fetro (1)

Surname Fetro in France   Surname Fetro in USA   

Fetro reversed is Ortef
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Fetor Erfot Rotef Ofert Ferot Ferto Terof Fteor
Misspells: Fetlo Fetrro Fetroa Ftero Fetor Ferto

Rhymes: metro Castro bistro cilantro maestro retro pueblo vero ferro

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Switzerland Romania


Writers: John G. Fetros, Joyce V. Fetro

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