Statistics and meaning of name Ficea

We have no records about Ficea being used as firstname.
Surname Ficea is used at least 58 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Russia)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Gheorghe Ficea (6)
Ion Ficea (4)
Nicolae Ficea (3)
Grigore Ficea (2)
Maria Ficea (2)
Paraschiva Ficea (2)
Valeriu Ficea (2)
Rodica Ficea (2)
Ilie Ficea (2)
Cornel Ficea (2)
Constantina Ficea (2)
Dumitru Ficea (2)
Constantin Ficea (2)
Vasile Ficea (1)
Victoria Ficea (1)
Aurel Ficea (1)
Matei Ficea (1)
Danut Ficea (1)
Alexandru Ficea (1)
Lenuta Ficea (1)
Cristian Ficea (1)
Floarea Ficea (1)
Mirela Ficea (1)

Ficea reversed is Aecif
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ficae Iefac Eacif Afiec Fieca Aicef
Misspells: Ficeo Fycea Fjcea Fecea Ficeaa Fciea Ficae Fieca

Rhymes: panacea cerevisiae trivia forsythia zinnia tibia

Meaning of name Ficea is: the feminine variant of [Ficiu]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Armenia Romania Hungary Taiwan


Old Wiki
Name: Ficea
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the feminine variant of Ficiu

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