Statistics and meaning of name Figlea

We have no records about Figlea being used as firstname.
Surname Figlea is used at least 25 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)

Given names
Ioan Figlea (3)
Viorel Figlea (3)
Nicolae Figlea (2)
Victor Figlea (2)
Ion Figlea (2)
Ilie Figlea (2)
Constantin Figlea (2)
Tatiana Figlea (1)
Eugen Figlea (1)
Florica Figlea (1)
Maria Figlea (1)
Augustin Figlea (1)
Livia Figlea (1)
Ilina Figlea (1)
Mihaila Figlea (1)

Figlea reversed is Aelgif
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Iglafe Ailegf Gfiela Lagfei Elafgi Igfeal
Misspells: Figleo Fyglea Fjglea Feglea Figleaa Fgilea Figlae Figela

Rhymes: azalea cochlea flea lea mausolea plea spirea praesidia presidia chlamydia chlamydiae

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Sweden


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