Statistics and meaning of name Fisherman
Usage: 7% firstname, 93% surname.
Fisherman first name was found 21 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Fisherman is used at least 247 times in at least 16 countries.
Given names
Sandra Fisherman (1) Madeline Fisherman (1) Victoria Fisherman (1) Borys Fisherman (1) Lekss Fisherman (1) Katherine Fisherman (1) Bernard Fisherman (1) Mark Fisherman (1) Brent Fisherman (1) Chuck Fisherman (1) Samuel Fisherman (1) Don Fisherman (1) |
Family names Fisherman Frying (1) |
Fisherman reversed is Namrehsif
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Misspells: Fishermon Fishelman Fisherrman Fissherman Fysherman Fjsherman Fesherman Fishermana Fsiherman Fishermna Fisheramn
Rhymes: Doberman German Herman Letterman Lieberman Sherman Superman weatherman serviceman businessman sedan
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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Writers: G Fisherman, FISHERMAN DIEGO, National Fisherman, In-Fisherman Staff
Books: "Fisherman" "The fisherman's companion" "The Fisherman's handbook" "Fisherman's luck" "Fishermans Daughter" "Saltwater fisherman" "Fishermans Companion" "The fisherman's revenge" "The sky fisherman" "The complete fisherman's catalog" "Fisherman's Beach" "The Fisherman's Son" "The holiday fisherman" "The fisherman's son" "The fisherman's invocation" "Simon Peter, fisherman" "The Compleat freshwater fisherman" "The big fisherman"
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