Statistics and meaning of name Fizzah

Fizzah first name was found 68 times in 10 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Fizzah.
Origin of this name is Arabic.


Given name Fizzah
Family names
Fizzah Haleema (2)
Fizzah Asif (2)
Fizzah Rathor (1)
Fizzah Mian (1)
Fizzah Nurmohamed (1)
Fizzah Illahi (1)
Fizzah Anwar (1)
Fizzah Ajaib (1)
Fizzah Jafri (1)

Fizzah reversed is Hazzif
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Hizazf Zfiazh Fziahz Izfahz
Misspells: Fizzoh Fyzzah Fjzzah Fezzah Fizzaha Fzizah Fizzha Fizazh

Rhymes: abscissa militia sera villa cilia

Meaning of name Fizzah is: (Fiddah), Silver, name of a maid servant of Haz rat Faatimh (RAH)
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Pakistan Germany United Arab Emirates United Kingdom India Japan Reunion Canada


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