Statistics and meaning of name Flagey
We have no records about Flagey being used as firstname.
Surname Flagey is used at least 28 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Turkey)
Name written with Chinese letters: 弗拉热 (pinyin: fú lā rè)
Given names
Xavier Flagey (2) Jean Flagey (2) Jacques Flagey (2) Carole Flagey (1) Stephanie Flagey (1) Yvonne Flagey (1) Michel Flagey (1) Patricia Flagey (1) Eric Flagey (1) Viviane Flagey (1) Henri Flagey (1) Sofie Flagey (1) Sabrina Flagey (1) Jacky Flagey (1) Jerome Flagey (1) Claude Flagey (1) Hubert Flagey (1) Paul Flagey (1) Louis Flagey (1) Jordane Flagey (1) Guy Flagey (1) |
Flagey reversed is Yegalf
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Lagyfe Fgaely Ylgeaf Aflegy Lafgye Gyafel Faleyg Egyfal Lafeyg
Misspells: Flogey Flagei Flageya Falgey Flagye Flaegy
Rhymes: cagey bogey fogey stodgy demagogy floppy sloppy lobby
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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