Statistics and meaning of name Flarer
We have no records about Flarer being used as firstname.
Surname Flarer is used at least 43 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Alois Flarer (4) Josef Flarer (3) Peppi Flarer (2) Marion Flarer (2) Markus Flarer (2) Thomas Flarer (1) Theresia Flarer (1) Albina Flarer (1) Margarete Flarer (1) Oswald Flarer (1) Irmgard Flarer (1) Gunther Flarer (1) Aloisia Flarer (1) Dominik Flarer (1) Sabine Flarer (1) Paola Flarer (1) Guenther Flarer (1) Franco Flarer (1) Christine Flarer (1) Hermann Flarer (1) Hubert Flarer (1) Norbert Flarer (1) Johann Flarer (1) Ignaz Flarer (1) Reinhard Flarer (1) |
Flarer reversed is Reralf
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Fraelr Aflerr Rrafel Falerr Laferr
Misspells: Florer Flaler Flarrer Flarera Falrer Flaerr
Rhymes: awarer barer bearer clearer dearer hearer nearer rarer terror fairer wearer
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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