Statistics and meaning of name Focea

We have no records about Focea being used as firstname.
Surname Focea is used at least 29 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 福恰 (pinyin: fú qià)

Given names
Ion Focea (2)
Alecu Focea (2)
Maria Focea (2)
Mihai Focea (2)
Ioan Focea (2)
Vasile Focea (2)
Dumitru Focea (2)
Emilia Focea (2)
Georgeta Focea (2)
Turin Focea (1)
Viorica Focea (1)
Tasache Focea (1)
Lascar Focea (1)
Dorel Focea (1)
Ghiorghe Focea (1)
Mimi Focea (1)
Mircea Focea (1)

Focea reversed is Aecof
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Focae Oefac Eacof Afoec Foeca Aocef
Misspells: Foceo Foceaa Fcoea Focae Foeca

Rhymes: panacea symposia phobia myopia elodea utopia

Meaning of name Focea is: from the name [Foca] or from the word 'foc' = 'fire' plus the suffix '-ea'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Thailand Romania


Old Wiki
Name: Focea
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the name Foca or from the word foc = fire plus the suffix -ea

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