Statistics and meaning of name Fogaty

We have no records about Fogaty being used as firstname.
Surname Fogaty is used at least 44 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Fogaty
Given names
Debbie Fogaty (4)
Andrew Fogaty (4)
Jason Fogaty (4)
Gail Fogaty (3)
Pauline Fogaty (2)
Thomas Fogaty (2)
Pamela Fogaty (2)
Matthew Fogaty (2)
Michael Fogaty (2)
James Fogaty (2)
Roy Fogaty (1)
Stacey Fogaty (1)
Claire Fogaty (1)
Richard Fogaty (1)
Ann Fogaty (1)
Peter Fogaty (1)
Brenda Fogaty (1)
Nicola Fogaty (1)
Eileen Fogaty (1)
Ronald Fogaty (1)

Surname Fogaty in USA   

Fogaty reversed is Ytagof
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ofagyt Ogayft Fagtoy Gfotay Ogfayt Fgotya Tayfgo
Misspells: Fogoty Fogati Fogatya Fgoaty Fogayt Fogtay

Rhymes: Almaty Katy entreaty meaty sweaty throaty treaty catty fatty chatty natty patty

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Thailand

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