Statistics and meaning of name Foner

Usage: 5% firstname, 95% surname.
Foner first name was found 8 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Foner is used at least 135 times in at least 8 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 福纳 (pinyin: fú nà)

      Surname Foner
Given names
Maria Foner (1)
Mariluz Foner (1)
Anna Foner (1)
Karoly Foner (1)
Dominik Foner (1)
Christine Foner (1)

Surname Foner in USA   

Foner reversed is Renof
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Fonre Ernof Rfoen Foern Foenr Ronef Noerf Fnore
Misspells: Fonel Fonerr Fonera Fnoer Fonre Foenr

Rhymes: Londoner Reasoner boner commissioner commoner conditioner confectioner honer donor loner toner

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Jordan Kuwait India Canada Thailand Iraq Bahrain Hungary


Famous people: Eric Foner, Naomi Gyllenhaal

Writers: Moe Foner, Laura Foner, Henry Foner, Sarah Foner, Eric Foner, Simon Foner, Anne Foner, Nancy Foner, A. Foner, Foner Eric, Philip Sheldon Foner, Jack D. Foner, Roslyn Held Foner

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