Statistics and meaning of name Forooghian
We have no records about Forooghian being used as firstname.
Surname Forooghian is used at least 14 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Barbara Forooghian (2) Carrole Forooghian (2) Lawrence Forooghian (2) Joseph Forooghian (2) Fereidoon Forooghian (1) Carole Forooghian (1) Iraj Forooghian (1) |
Forooghian reversed is Naihgoorof
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ohrofginoa Noafroogih Ahoforoing Agoonfiorh Ahiofgoorn
Misspells: Forooghion Folooghian Forrooghian Forooghyan Forooghjan Forooghean Forooghiana Froooghian Forooghina Forooghain
Rhymes: Appalachian Carpathian Corinthian Eustachian Gandhian Scythian Tsimshian herculean cerulean boogieman nucleon antediluvian
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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