Statistics and meaning of name Fournis

We have no records about Fournis being used as firstname.
Surname Fournis is used at least 127 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 富尔尼 (pinyin: fù ěr ní)

      Surname Fournis
Given names
Guy Fournis (4)
Yves Fournis (4)
Pascal Fournis (3)
Christophe Fournis (3)
Erwan Fournis (3)
Patrick Fournis (2)
Caroline Fournis (2)
Pierre Fournis (2)
Sandrine Fournis (2)
Gaelle Fourni ...

Surname Fournis in France   

Fournis reversed is Sinruof
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Fuosrin Rnofsiu Forusni Ousrinf Nsurfio Sofurin Sionurf Rifsuon
Misspells: Foulnis Fourrnis Fourniss Fournys Fournjs Fournes Fournisa Fuornis Fournsi Fourins

Rhymes: Adonis Denis Dennis Geminis Janis Kiwanis Pakistanis cornice warmish fornix mortis forfeits

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Thailand Netherlands United Kingdom


Writers: Yann Fournis, Yves Fournis

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