Statistics and meaning of name Freising

We have no records about Freising being used as firstname.
Surname Freising is used at least 22 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 弗赖辛 (pinyin: fú lài xīn)

      Surname Freising
Given names
Natalie Freising (1)
Marianne Freising (1)
Karl Freising (1)
Otto Freising (1)
Paul Freising (1)
Uta Freising (1)
Sieglinde Freising (1)
Sabine Freising (1)
Irmela Freising (1)
Hermann Freising (1)
Svend Freising (1)
Jytte Freising (1)
Jakob Freising (1)
Vibeke Freising (1)
Brigitte Freising (1)
Gunter Freising (1)
Frank Freising (1)
Erich Freising (1)
Helle Freising (1)

Surname Freising in Germany   

Freising reversed is Gnisierf
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Nregiifs Srenfigi Rginiesf
Misspells: Fleising Frreising Freissing Freysing Frejsing Freesing Freisinga Ferising Freisign Freisnig

Rhymes: advertising advising appraising apprising arising braising bruising scything sousing thing everything spring

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Denmark Estonia Thailand Netherlands Bosnia and Herzegovina France Japan Europe


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