Statistics and meaning of name Frigea

We have no records about Frigea being used as firstname.
Surname Frigea is used at least 65 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Constantin Frigea (6)
Gheorghe Frigea (6)
Ion Frigea (4)
Stefan Frigea (3)
Dumitru Frigea (3)
Eugenia Frigea (3)
Nelu Frigea (2)
Viorica Frigea (2)
Cornel Frigea (2)
Marcel Frigea (2)
Elena Frigea (2)
Nicolae Frigea (2)
Mihaela Frigea (2)
Moise Frigea (1)
Victoria Frigea (1)
Vasile Frigea (1)
Mircea Frigea (1)
Rodica Frigea (1)
Steliana Frigea (1)
Iulian Frigea (1)
Costica Frigea (1)
Benone Frigea (1)
Alexandrina Frigea (1)
Dorina Frigea (1)
Felicia Frigea (1)
Larisa Frigea (1)
Alecsandrina Frigea (1)
Georgeta Frigea (1)
Lucian Frigea (1)

Frigea reversed is Aegirf
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rigafe Fgiera Argeif Ifrega Rifgae Gaifer Fireag Egafir Rifeag
Misspells: Frigeo Fligea Frrigea Frygea Frjgea Fregea Frigeaa Firgea Frigae Friega

Rhymes: hydrangea lndia labia idea urea dia

Meaning of name Frigea is: the same as [Frigi] ; see also the Italian name [Frigo]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Moldova Thailand Lebanon Russian Federation Belgium


Old Wiki
Name: Frigea
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Frigi ; see also the Italian name Frigo

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