Statistics and meaning of name Frunzescu
We have no records about Frunzescu being used as firstname.
Surname Frunzescu is used at least 64 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 弗伦泽斯库 (pinyin: fú lún zé sī kù)
Given names
Gheorghe Frunzescu (7) Elena Frunzescu (6) Florin Frunzescu (3) Maria Frunzescu (3) Mihai Frunzescu (3) Sandu Frunzescu (2) Georgel Frunzescu (2) Alexandru Frunzescu (2) Elisabeta Frunzescu (2) Emilian Frunzescu (2) Corneliu Frunzescu (2) Constantin Frunzescu (2) Veturia Frunzescu (2) Costica Frunzescu (2) Tudora Frunzescu (2) Roxana Frunzescu (1) Valentin Frunzescu (1) Teodosia Frunzescu (1) State Frunzescu (1) Nicolina Frunzescu (1) Ioana Frunzescu (1) Daniel Frunzescu (1) Cosmina Frunzescu (1) Delia Frunzescu (1) Adriana Frunzescu (1) Mariana Frunzescu (1) Ion Frunzescu (1) Nicolae Frunzescu (1) |
Frunzescu reversed is Ucseznurf
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Anagrams: Czuusfenr
Misspells: Flunzescu Frrunzescu Frunzesscu Frunzescua Furnzescu Frunzesuc Frunzecsu
Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue grandnephew menu nephew venue
Meaning of name Frunzescu is: the same as [Frunza] plus the suffix '-escu'
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Domains - FREE - FREE - UNKNOWN - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Frunzescu Language: Romanian Meaning: the same as Frunza plus the suffix -escu Comments: |
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