Statistics and meaning of name Funfar

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Funfar first name was found 2 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Funfar is used at least 67 times in at least 1 countries. (USA)


Surname Funfar in USA   

Funfar reversed is Rafnuf
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Rufanf Nfuafr Fnuarf Unfarf
Misspells: Funfor Funfal Funfarr Funfara Fnufar Funfra Funafr

Rhymes: afar far insofar unbar bulbar lumbar

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Little Laurie Funfar says: As a person w this surname I can attest to additional misspells of it. Sunfar Funfare Sunsar Sunstar Additionally I have been told that the name is of German origin originating as “Fumfar” although it could also be of Bohemian origin.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Poland


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