Statistics and meaning of name Fusenig

We have no records about Fusenig being used as firstname.
Surname Fusenig is used at least 23 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 富泽尼希 (pinyin: fù zé ní xī)

      Surname Fusenig
Given names
Fabrice Fusenig (2)
Renaud Fusenig (1)
Michel Fusenig (1)
Roland Fusenig (1)
Regis Fusenig (1)
Manette Fusenig (1)
Laurent Fusenig (1)
Gabriel Fusenig (1)
Beatrice Fusenig (1)
Jean Fusenig (1)
Patricia Fusenig (1)
Christian Fusenig (1)
Antoine Fusenig (1)

Surname Fusenig in France   Surname Fusenig in USA   

Fusenig reversed is Ginesuf
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Fsugein Ensuigf Enufgis Usgeinf Gufsein Giunsef
Misspells: Fussenig Fusenyg Fusenjg Fuseneg Fuseniga Fsuenig Fusengi Fuseing

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Martin Fusenig says: Fusenig is originally a village in Germany, it was a camp site for the Roman soldier at the beggining, and people settled there. The village still exists and it is called "FUSENICH" as it's pronouced the same in German. The spelling must have changed over time. However, a majority of Fusenig can be found in France. It is also often misspelled as : Fusening

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Writers: Thomas Fusenig, Annette Fusenig, Norbert Fusenig, E. F. Fusenig, N. E. Fusenig

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