Statistics and meaning of name Gaasenbeek

We have no records about Gaasenbeek being used as firstname.
Surname Gaasenbeek is used at least 45 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 加森比克 (pinyin: jiā sēn bǐ kè)

      Surname Gaasenbeek
Given names
Matthew Gaasenbeek (2)
Peter Gaasenbeek (2)
Richard Gaasenbeek (2)
Elke Gaasenbeek (1)
Mathew Gaasenbeek (1)
Henk Gaasenbeek (1)

Gaasenbeek reversed is Keebnesaag
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Sabganeeke Enaekgesab Seegakaenb Neebagsaek
Misspells: Goasenbeek Gaassenbeek Gaasenbeeka Gaasenbeke

Rhymes: Creek Greek Newsweek cheek creek geek leek critique antique speak physique mystique

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Thomas Gaasenbeek says: Gaasenbeek is a Dutch surname that means a brook (or stream) through a forest or wooded area. A long history in the Netherlands with a Castle Gaasbeek SW of Brussels Belgium in the town of Gaasbeek in the region of Gaasbeek. The "sen" or "and" came in a 1877 (or so) census when the name was elongated. Castle Gaasbeek was built by Duke Gaasbeek from what we know, and was taken over the Egmonts and is a museum today. It is a unique surname with a long Dutch heritage - even back to Willem of Orange.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Germany Netherlands


Writers: Maruscha Gaasenbeek, Michelle Lynn Gaasenbeek

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