Statistics and meaning of name Gabilan

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Gabilan first name was found 5 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Gabilan is used at least 143 times in at least 9 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 加维兰 (pinyin: jiā wéi lán)

      Surname Gabilan
Given names
Alain Gabilan (2)
Antonio Gabilan (2)
Jose Gabilan (2)
Genevieve Gabilan (2)
Mathieu Gabilan (2)
Colette Gabilan (2)
Esteban Gabilan (1)
Domingo Gabilan (1)
Bernabe Gabilan (1)
Augusto Gabilan (1)
Felix Gabilan (1)
Isabelle Gabilan (1)
Pilar Gabilan (1)
Maria Gabilan (1)
Juan Gabilan (1)
Tomasa Gabilan (1)
Alfonso Gabilan (1)
Christophe Gabilan (1)
David Gabilan (1)
Andre Gabilan (1)
Jerome Gabilan (1)
Jacky Gabilan (1)
Jacques Gabilan (1)
Sylvie Gabilan (1)
Muriel Gabilan (1)
Julien Gabilan (1)
Guy Gabilan (1)

Given name Gabilan
Family names
Gabilan Sivayoganathan (2)
Gabilan Gengatharan (1)

Surname Gabilan in France   Surname Gabilan in USA   

Gabilan reversed is Nalibag
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Gbanial Ilbaang Ilagnab Abnialg Nagbial Naalbig
Misspells: Gobilan Gabylan Gabjlan Gabelan Gabilana Gbailan Gabilna Gabialn

Rhymes: Milan Alan Allan Ameslan Angolan Aztlan Catalan rerum didn beaten adhesion cohesion

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany France United Kingdom India Iraq Taiwan Brazil Greece Korea Norway Portugal Switzerland


Writers: Jean-Pierre Gabilan

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