Statistics and meaning of name Gabosi

We have no records about Gabosi being used as firstname.
Surname Gabosi is used at least 43 times in at least 4 countries.
Origin of this name is Hungarian.

      Surname Gabosi
Given names
Vasilica Gabosi (3)
Maria Gabosi (2)
Stefan Gabosi (2)
Luiza Gabosi (2)
Magdolna Gabosi (2)
Iosif Gabosi (2)
Erno Gabosi (1)
Szabolcs Gabosi (1)
Alexandru Gabosi (1)
Emeric Gabosi (1)
Adalbert Gabosi (1)
Lajos Gabosi (1)
Steluta Gabosi (1)

Gabosi reversed is Isobag
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Agobis Aboigs Gobsai Bgasoi Abgois Gbasio Soigba
Misspells: Gobosi Gabossi Gabosy Gabosj Gabose Gabosia Gbaosi Gabois Gabsoi

Rhymes: Kaposi Lugosi virtuosi poesy mafiosi immunoassay radioimmunoassay anchovy

Meaning of name Gabosi is: from the Hungarian word 'gabos' = 'oriole'; Gaboşi
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Poland Romania Moldova Sweden Australia Norway Germany Argentina Hungary Europe Turkey


Old Wiki
Name: Gabosi
Language: Romanian
Origin: Hungarian
Meaning: from the Hungarian word gabos = oriole
Comments: Gaboşi

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