Statistics and meaning of name Gafincu
We have no records about Gafincu being used as firstname.
Surname Gafincu is used at least 60 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 加芬库 (pinyin: jiā fēn kù)
Given names
Maria Gafincu (6) Ion Gafincu (6) Dumitru Gafincu (5) Vasile Gafincu (5) Victor Gafincu (4) Adrian Gafincu (3) Florin Gafincu (3) Stefan Gafincu (2) Mihail Gafincu (2) Lucinel Gafincu (2) Ioan Gafincu (2) Elena Gafincu (2) Emil Gafincu (2) Elisabeta Gafincu (2) Felicia Gafincu (2) Alexa Gafincu (1) Victoria Gafincu (1) Cosmin Gafincu (1) Rodica Gafincu (1) Mina Gafincu (1) Gheorghe Gafincu (1) Trandafira Gafincu (1) |
Gafincu reversed is Ucnifag
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Infacug Inagucf Gaifunc Nufigca Uagficn Ucanfig Cungifa Icgufan
Misspells: Gofincu Gafyncu Gafjncu Gafencu Gafincua Gfaincu Gafinuc Gaficnu
Rhymes: miscue continue tissue situ fichu
Meaning of name Gafincu is: the same as [Gafencu]
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