Statistics and meaning of name Gagauz

Usage: 0% firstname, 100% surname.
Gagauz first name was found 2 times in 1 different countries. (Russia)
Surname Gagauz is used at least 306 times in at least 7 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 加高兹 (pinyin: jiā gāo zī)

      Surname Gagauz
Given names
Ivan Gagauz (22)
Piotr Gagauz (9)
Elena Gagauz (9)
Andrei Gagauz (9)
Nicolai Gagauz (8)
Vasili Gagauz (7)
Dmitri Gagauz (7)
Anna Gagauz (7)
Gheorghi Gagauz (6)
Maria Gagauz (6)
Ilia Gagauz (5)
Mihail Gagauz (5)
Fiodor Gagauz (4)
Natalia Gagauz (4)
Afanasi Gagauz (3)
Fedora Gagauz (3)
Olga Gagauz (3)
Zinaida Gagauz (3)
Marianna Gagauz (2)
Semion Gagauz (2)
Lidia Gagauz (2)
Alexandr Gagauz (2)
Gheorghe Gagauz (2)
Dumitru Gagauz (2)
Constantin Gagauz (2)
Irina Gagauz (2)
Anton Gagauz (2)
Evdochia Gagauz (2)
Ecaterina Gagauz (2)
Galina Gagauz (2)
Stepan Gagauz (1)
Tatiana Gagauz (1)
Valija Gagauz (1)
Svetlana Gagauz (1)
Varvara Gagauz (1)
Zoia Gagauz (1)
Victor Gagauz (1)
Vera Gagauz (1)
Valentina Gagauz (1)
Vladimir Gagauz (1)
Valeri Gagauz (1)
Ivanna Gagauz (1)
Evghenia Gagauz (1)
Feodora Gagauz (1)
Elizaveta Gagauz (1)
David Gagauz (1)
Ana Gagauz (1)
Artur Gagauz (1)
Ilie Gagauz (1)
Ioana Gagauz (1)
Pantelei Gagauz (1)
Serghei Gagauz (1)
Miron Gagauz (1)
Ion Gagauz (1)
Ioanna Gagauz (1)
Sofia Gagauz (1)

Surname Gagauz in Moldova   

Gagauz reversed is Zuagag
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Agagzu Agazgu Gaguaz Aggazu Ggauza Agguza
Misspells: Gogauz Gagauza Ggaauz Gagazu Gaguaz

Rhymes: because clause claws gauze laws

Meaning of name Gagauz is: from the word 'gagauz', the name of a Turkish population from the South of the Basarabia
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Turkey Germany Canada Italy United Kingdom Greece Brazil Iran Sweden Australia Romania Japan Ukraine France Israel Korea Poland New Zealand Thailand Malaysia Philippines Switzerland Serbia China Spain Portugal Latvia Qatar Sri Lanka Lithuania Algeria Europe


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