Statistics and meaning of name Gaitt
We have no records about Gaitt being used as firstname.
Surname Gaitt is used at least 28 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 盖特 (pinyin: gài té)
Given names
Steven Gaitt (3) Joanna Gaitt (2) Neil Gaitt (2) Kate Gaitt (2) Robert Gaitt (2) Natasha Gaitt (1) Ruby Gaitt (1) Thomas Gaitt (1) Susan Gaitt (1) Linda Gaitt (1) Julie Gaitt (1) Colin Gaitt (1) Carl Gaitt (1) David Gaitt (1) Florence Gaitt (1) Gemma Gaitt (1) Frieda Gaitt (1) Bridget Gaitt (1) |
Gaitt reversed is Ttiag
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Ttiag Tgati Gatti Gatit Taitg Giatt
Misspells: Goitt Gaytt Gajtt Gaett Gaitta Giatt Gatit
Rhymes: Babbitt Bobbitt Britt Dewitt Hazlitt Hewitt Levitt gate gait great late rate
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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