Statistics and meaning of name Galicier

We have no records about Galicier being used as firstname.
Surname Galicier is used at least 32 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Argentina)
Name written with Chinese letters: 加利西耶 (pinyin: jiā lì xī yé)

Given names
Nathalie Galicier (2)
Solene Galicier (1)
Richard Galicier (1)
Philippe Galicier (1)
Stephane Galicier (1)
Lucette Galicier (1)
Patrice Galicier (1)
Pascal Galicier (1)
Arnaud Galicier (1)
Anne Galicier (1)
Lionel Galicier (1)
Yvonne Galicier (1)
Emilia Galicier (1)
Charline Galicier (1)
Pierre Galicier (1)
Paul Galicier (1)
Guy Galicier (1)
Marie Galicier (1)
Christian Galicier (1)
Florian Galicier (1)
Elodie Galicier (1)
Constance Galicier (1)
Claude Galicier (1)
Jacqueline Galicier (1)

Surname Galicier in France   

Galicier reversed is Reicilag
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Iglarcei Eliicarg Ealriigc Calegiri Eagliirc Rcalegii Liacegri Icgilear
Misspells: Golicier Galiciel Galicierr Galycier Galjcier Galecier Galiciera Glaicier Galicire Galiceir

Rhymes: dicier icier juicier pricier spicier Carrier Cartier prissier privier busier dizzier

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Canada India


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