Statistics and meaning of name Gamillscheg

We have no records about Gamillscheg being used as firstname.
Surname Gamillscheg is used at least 26 times in at least 2 countries. (Austria,Denmark)
Name written with Chinese letters: 加米尔舍格 (pinyin: jiā mǐ ěr shě gé)

Given names
Stephan Gamillscheg (4)
Benjamin Gamillscheg (3)
Benedikt Gamillscheg (2)
Johannes Gamillscheg (2)
Leena Gamillscheg (2)
Ulrike Gamillscheg (2)
Friedrich Gamillscheg (2)
Tove Gamillscheg (1)
Felix Gamillscheg (1)
Elfriede Gamillscheg (1)
Hemma Gamillscheg (1)
Ernst Gamillscheg (1)
Maria Gamillscheg (1)
Georg Gamillscheg (1)

Surname Gamillscheg in Austria   

Gamillscheg reversed is Gehcsllimag
Name contains 11 letters - 27.27% vowels and 72.73% consonants.

Anagrams: Ggelsilcahm
Misspells: Gomillscheg Gamillsscheg Gamyllscheg Gamjllscheg Gamellscheg Gamillschega Gmaillscheg Gamillschge Gamillscehg

Rhymes: veg muskeg segue manege leg

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Denmark Austria Hungary Brazil Belgium France


Writers: Franz Gamillscheg, F. Gamillscheg

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