Statistics and meaning of name Gamulea

We have no records about Gamulea being used as firstname.
Surname Gamulea is used at least 44 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Norway)
Origin of this name is Albanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 加穆莱亚 (pinyin: jiā mù lái yà)

Given names
Nicolae Gamulea (3)
Gheorghe Gamulea (2)
Radu Gamulea (2)
Petrica Gamulea (2)
Alexandra Gamulea (2)
Florea Gamulea (2)
Neculai Gamulea (2)
Vasilica Gamulea (2)
Elena Gamulea (2)
Vasile Gamulea (1)
Codruta Gamulea (1)
Natalia Gamulea (1)
Maria Gamulea (1)
Florian Gamulea (1)
Costel Gamulea (1)
Aneta Gamulea (1)
Gica Gamulea (1)
Iulian Gamulea (1)
Marioara Gamulea (1)
Margareta Gamulea (1)
Mihai Gamulea (1)

Gamulea reversed is Aelumag
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Ulagaem Gaumale Lamugea Aagmuel Ealguma Uegamal
Misspells: Gomulea Gamuleaa Gmaulea Gamulae Gamuela

Rhymes: azalea cochlea flea lea mausolea plea alia gonorrhea panacea propria curia

Meaning of name Gamulea is: from the Albaniana word 'gamulle , magulle' = 'hill , hillock'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Guatemala Norway Iceland


Old Wiki
Name: Gamulea
Language: Romanian
Origin: Albanian
Meaning: from the Albaniana word gamulle , magulle = hill , hillock

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