Statistics and meaning of name Gansauge

We have no records about Gansauge being used as firstname.
Surname Gansauge is used at least 73 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Gansauge
Given names
Gertrud Gansauge (3)
Andreas Gansauge (3)
Frank Gansauge (2)
Petra Gansauge (2)
Rolf Gansauge (2)
Renate Gansauge (2)
Erika Gansauge (2)
Gerda Gansauge (2)
Kenneth Gansauge (2)
Margitta Gansauge (1)
Margret Gansauge (1)
Matthias Gansauge (1)
Olaf Gansauge (1)
Lilo Gansauge (1)
Karin Gansauge (1)
Kathrin Gansauge (1)
Kerstin Gansauge (1)
Peter Gansauge (1)
Laurie Gansauge (1)
Ulf Gansauge (1)
Uwe Gansauge (1)
Brigitte Gansauge (1)
Thomas Gansauge (1)
Garry Gansauge (1)
Rainer Gansauge (1)
Ralph Gansauge (1)
Juliana Gansauge (1)
Jochen Gansauge (1)
Edwin Gansauge (1)
Elsbeth Gansauge (1)
Erich Gansauge (1)
Edelgard Gansauge (1)
Eberhard Gansauge (1)
Christine Gansauge (1)
Daniela Gansauge (1)
Dieter Gansauge (1)
Bernd Gansauge (1)
Erna Gansauge (1)
Fred Gansauge (1)
Horst Gansauge (1)
Ingried Gansauge (1)
Jamie Gansauge (1)
Gabriele Gansauge (1)
Albrecht Gansauge (1)
Fredo Gansauge (1)
Birgit Gansauge (1)

Surname Gansauge in Germany   Surname Gansauge in USA   

Gansauge reversed is Eguasnag
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ganeusga Sungagea Aesgunag
Misspells: Gonsauge Ganssauge Gansaugea Gnasauge Gansaueg Gansague

Rhymes: centrifuge deluge gouge huge refuge rouge subterfuge guffawed umlaut thought sought fought

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States United Kingdom Austria Switzerland


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