Statistics and meaning of name Gaukstad

We have no records about Gaukstad being used as firstname.
Surname Gaukstad is used at least 40 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Norway)
Name written with Chinese letters: 盖于克斯塔 (pinyin: gài yú kè sī tǎ)

Given names
Nina Gaukstad (2)
Atle Gaukstad (2)
Kjell Gaukstad (1)
Olve Gaukstad (1)
Liv Gaukstad (1)
Lisbeth Gaukstad (1)
Oystein Gaukstad (1)
Kristin Gaukstad (1)
Oyvind Gaukstad (1)
Tove Gaukstad (1)
Vemund Gaukstad (1)
Svein Gaukstad (1)
Snorre Gaukstad (1)
Sigurd Gaukstad (1)
John Gaukstad (1)
Ingrid Gaukstad (1)
Eldrid Gaukstad (1)
Even Gaukstad (1)
Berit Gaukstad (1)
Bente Gaukstad (1)
Asmund Gaukstad (1)
Astrid Gaukstad (1)
Gudrun Gaukstad (1)
Haakon Gaukstad (1)
Ida Gaukstad (1)
Anne Gaukstad (1)
Helge Gaukstad (1)
Heidi Gaukstad (1)
Harald Gaukstad (1)
Ingvild Gaukstad (1)

Surname Gaukstad in Norway   Surname Gaukstad in USA   

Gaukstad reversed is Datskuag
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Kguadsat Ktugsada Adkatusg
Misspells: Goukstad Gauksstad Gaukstada Guakstad Gaukstda Gauksatd

Rhymes: Oranjestad Willemstad tad counted accounted mounted shouted counseled

Meaning of this name is unknown.

harald gaukstad says: The name originates from 11-12th hundred in Biri in Norway. It used to be "Gautes stad", the Home"stead of Gaute". Gaute being a common firstname.

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