Statistics and meaning of name Geadau
We have no records about Geadau being used as firstname.
Surname Geadau is used at least 21 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Austria)
Given names
Gheorghe Geadau (4) Constantina Geadau (2) Ioana Geadau (2) Constantin Geadau (2) Mihaela Geadau (2) Ion Geadau (2) George Geadau (1) Maria Geadau (1) Costel Geadau (1) Marin Geadau (1) Mariana Geadau (1) |
Geadau reversed is Uadaeg
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.
Anagrams: Eaduga Uedaag Ageadu Eagdua Duagae Adugae Eagaud
Misspells: Geodau Geadaua Gaedau Geadua Geaadu
Rhymes: kapok gateau gateaux below grow
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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