Statistics and meaning of name Gehrs

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Gehrs first name was found 9 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Gehrs is used at least 277 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Gehrs
Given names
Albrecht Gehrs (2)
Michael Gehrs (2)
Glenn Gehrs (2)
Frederik Gehrs (2)
Stefan Gehrs (1)
Svend Gehrs (1)
Christian Gehrs (1)
Soren Gehrs (1)
Merete Gehrs (1)
Paul Gehrs (1)
Annette Gehrs (1)
Laus Gehrs (1)
Kenneth Gehrs (1)
Sidsel Gehrs (1)

Surname Gehrs in USA   

Gehrs reversed is Srheg
Name contains 5 letters - 20.00% vowels and 80.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Sgerh Ghesr
Misspells: Gehls Gehrrs Gehrss Gehrsa Ghers Gehsr Gerhs

Rhymes: says guess death less yes

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Thailand Denmark Canada Spain Sweden Hungary


Famous people: Ernie Gehr , Ferdinand Gehr

Writers: Kai Gehrs

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