Statistics and meaning of name Gheaur
We have no records about Gheaur being used as firstname.
Surname Gheaur is used at least 29 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Vasile Gheaur (5) Ion Gheaur (3) Dumitru Gheaur (2) Viorica Gheaur (1) Elena Gheaur (1) Valerica Gheaur (1) Sergiu Gheaur (1) Parascovia Gheaur (1) Nadejda Gheaur (1) Mihail Gheaur (1) Nicolae Gheaur (1) Oxana Gheaur (1) Adeliada Gheaur (1) Petru Gheaur (1) |
Gheaur reversed is Ruaehg
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Hgaeru Heargu Eghuar Hegaru Areguh Gehura Uargeh Hegura
Misspells: Gheour Gheaul Gheaurr Gheaura Gehaur Ghearu Gheuar
Rhymes: Minotaur brontosaur centaur dinosaur tyrannosaur whole soul hole sole fol
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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