Statistics and meaning of name Gheuca
We have no records about Gheuca being used as firstname.
Surname Gheuca is used at least 63 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Denmark)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 盖乌卡 (pinyin: gài wū kǎ)
Given names
Gheorghe Gheuca (4) Constantin Gheuca (3) Adrian Gheuca (3) Neculai Gheuca (2) Mihai Gheuca (2) Petru Gheuca (2) Mitica Gheuca (2) Radu Gheuca (2) Viorica Gheuca (2) Valentin Gheuca (2) Stefana Gheuca (2) Stefan Gheuca (2) Livioara Gheuca (2) Maria Gheuca (2) Ghena Gheuca (2) Elena Gheuca (2) Alecsandru Gheuca (2) Ioan Gheuca (2) Florin Gheuca (2) Ion Gheuca (2) Dorina Gheuca (1) Valerica Gheuca (1) Ionut Gheuca (1) Vlad Gheuca (1) Tudora Gheuca (1) Marieta Gheuca (1) Gheorghita Gheuca (1) Mihaela Gheuca (1) Lidia Gheuca (1) Florentina Gheuca (1) Tinca Gheuca (1) |
Gheuca reversed is Acuehg
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Guecha Ahuceg Heguac Gehcau Cuageh Hegcau
Misspells: Gheuco Gheucaa Gehuca Gheuac Ghecua
Rhymes: pukka chukka bazooka beluga ua
Meaning of name Gheuca is: the same as [Gauca]
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