Statistics and meaning of name Ghidora

We have no records about Ghidora being used as firstname.
Surname Ghidora is used at least 60 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Ghidora
Given names
Alexandru Ghidora (4)
Mihail Ghidora (4)
Eugenia Ghidora (3)
Elena Ghidora (3)
Sergiu Ghidora (2)
Iurie Ghidora (2)
Maria Ghidora (2)
Nicolae Ghidora (2)
Ion Ghidora (2)
Silvia Ghidora (2)
Victor Ghidora (2)
Mihai Ghidora (2)
Vitalie Ghidora (1)
Petru Ghidora (1)
Vasile Ghidora (1)
Raisa Ghidora (1)
Valentina Ghidora (1)
Radislav Ghidora (1)
Tamara Ghidora (1)
Liuba Ghidora (1)
Aureliu Ghidora (1)
Andrei Ghidora (1)
Anatolie Ghidora (1)
Anastasia Ghidora (1)
Dionisie Ghidora (1)
Evghenia Ghidora (1)
Iulia Ghidora (1)
Gheorghe Ghidora (1)
Ghenadie Ghidora (1)
Galaction Ghidora (1)
Mariana Ghidora (1)

Surname Ghidora in Moldova   Surname Ghidora in USA   

Ghidora reversed is Arodihg
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Gihadro Doihrag Dohgari Hiadrog Ahgidro Arhoidg Raogdih
Misspells: Ghidoro Ghidola Ghidorra Ghydora Ghjdora Ghedora Ghidoraa Gihdora Ghidoar Ghidroa

Rhymes: Pandora Theodora fedora Angora Aurora Cora Debora torah flora fora aurora

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Moldova Europe Ukraine Italy Germany


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