Statistics and meaning of name Ghiorghiescu

We have no records about Ghiorghiescu being used as firstname.
Surname Ghiorghiescu is used at least 14 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Constantin Ghiorghiescu (5)
Nicolae Ghiorghiescu (1)
Vasile Ghiorghiescu (1)
Virgil Ghiorghiescu (1)
Mihai Ghiorghiescu (1)
Leana Ghiorghiescu (1)
Daniela Ghiorghiescu (1)
Dumitru Ghiorghiescu (1)
Ilie Ghiorghiescu (1)
Maria Ghiorghiescu (1)

Ghiorghiescu reversed is Ucseihgroihg
Name contains 12 letters - 41.67% vowels and 58.33% consonants.

Misspells: Ghiolghiescu Ghiorrghiescu Ghiorghiesscu Ghyorghiescu Ghjorghiescu Gheorghiescu Ghiorghiescua Gihorghiescu Ghiorghiesuc Ghiorghiecsu

Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue grandnephew menu nephew venue

Meaning of name Ghiorghiescu is: the same as [Gheorghescu]
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Spain Thailand

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Old Wiki
Name: Ghiorghiescu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: the same as Gheorghescu

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or about the origins of this name?
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