Statistics and meaning of name Gidudu

We have no records about Gidudu being used as firstname.
Surname Gidudu is used at least 15 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Gidudu
Given names
Sarah Gidudu (2)
Annette Gidudu (1)
Harriet Gidudu (1)
Peter Gidudu (1)
Munilu Gidudu (1)
Isaac Gidudu (1)
Massa Gidudu (1)
Minilu Gidudu (1)
Bob Gidudu (1)

Gidudu reversed is Ududig
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Igudud Iduugd Guddiu Dgiduu Idguud Gdiduu Duugdi
Misspells: Gydudu Gjdudu Gedudu Gidudua Gdiudu Giduud Gidduu

Rhymes: cuckoo kudzu jujutsu gumshoe thumbscrew

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Leah yego says: I have named my child this name after his grandfather and am in Kenya I don't know Uganda

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Mauritius South Africa France Switzerland


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or about the origins of this name?
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