Statistics and meaning of name Gillabert

We have no records about Gillabert being used as firstname.
Surname Gillabert is used at least 56 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Gillabert
Given names
Denise Gillabert (3)
Emmanuel Gillabert (2)
Bruno Gillabert (2)
Olivier Gillabert (2)
Edouard Gillabert (1)
Marc Gillabert (1)
Severin Gillabert (1)
Ariane Gillabert (1)
Eric Gillabert (1)
Christophe Gillabert (1)
Claudine Gillabert (1)
Roger Gillabert (1)
Pascal Gillabert (1)
Cedric Gillabert (1)
Christian Gillabert (1)
Sylvia Gillabert (1)
Lea Gillabert (1)
Estelle Gillabert (1)
Joel Gillabert (1)
Remy Gillabert (1)
Mathieu Gillabert (1)
Josiane Gillabert (1)
Guy Gillabert (1)
Jacques Gillabert (1)
Philippe Gillabert (1)
Nathalie Gillabert (1)
Stephanie Gillabert (1)
Monique Gillabert (1)
Frederic Gillabert (1)
Antoine Gillabert (1)
Elisa Gillabert (1)
Paulette Gillabert (1)
Suzanne Gillabert (1)
Fernande Gillabert (1)
Etienne Gillabert (1)
Juliette Gillabert (1)
Germaine Gillabert (1)
Ephrem Gillabert (1)
Willy Gillabert (1)
Clotilde Gillabert (1)
Rene Gillabert (1)

Surname Gillabert in France   Surname Gillabert in Switzerland   

Gillabert reversed is Treballig
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Gillobert Gillabelt Gillaberrt Gyllabert Gjllabert Gellabert Gillaberta Glilabert Gillabetr Gillabret

Rhymes: Albert Alembert Camembert Colbert Delbert Dilbert Ebert

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Switzerland Germany Poland

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Writers: Matthieu Gillabert

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