Statistics and meaning of name Gluhoi
We have no records about Gluhoi being used as firstname.
Surname Gluhoi is used at least 19 times in at least 4 countries.
Given names
Simion Gluhoi (2) Mircea Gluhoi (2) Anatolii Gluhoi (2) Mihail Gluhoi (1) Natalia Gluhoi (1) Valeri Gluhoi (1) Maria Gluhoi (1) Ghenadie Gluhoi (1) Claudia Gluhoi (1) Domnica Gluhoi (1) Eugenia Gluhoi (1) Feodosia Gluhoi (1) Anatolie Gluhoi (1) |
Gluhoi reversed is Iohulg
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Luhigo Ghuoli Ilhoug Uglohi Lughio Hiugol Guloih Ohigul Lugoih
Misspells: Gluhoy Gluhoj Gluhoe Gluhoia Gulhoi Gluhio Gluohi
Rhymes: Bolshoi Khoikhoi ahoy savoy soy annoy foi
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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