Statistics and meaning of name Gluzman

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Gluzman first name was found 19 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Gluzman is used at least 409 times in at least 15 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 格卢兹曼 (pinyin: gé lú zī màn)

      Surname Gluzman
Given names
Frederic Gluzman (2)
Teresa Gluzman (1)
Szejna Gluzman (1)
Charlotte Gluzman (1)
Elzbieta Gluzman (1)
Vitaliy Gluzman (1)
Maciej Gluzman (1)
Mariusz Gluzman (1)
Sylvie Gluzman (1)
Samira Gluzman (1)
Roman Gluzman (1)
Leon Gluzman (1)
Aaron Gluzman (1)
Prudence Gluzman (1)
Jacqueline Gluzman (1)
Neli Gluzman (1)
Pauline Gluzman (1)
Simon Gluzman (1)

Given name Gluzman

Surname Gluzman in France   Surname Gluzman in USA   

Gluzman reversed is Namzulg
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Zmulang Lunzamg Mnuzgal Nalmuzg Zagnulm
Misspells: Gluzmon Gluzmana Gulzman Gluzmna Gluzamn

Rhymes: Guzman Ahriman Alabaman Altman Amman Andaman cumin crewman groomsmen human lumen

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Gluzman says: according to my grandfather the name means glass worker/blower in yiddish
Yaacov Gluzman says: The origin of this surname is German, means "glassmaker". As I've heard from may grandmother, this surname was primarily used in Bremen, Germany in 13-14th century.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Poland France United Kingdom Israel Canada Germany Russian Federation Australia Croatia Thailand Italy Georgia Pakistan Austria Peru India


Famous people: Vadim Gluzman

Writers: Yakov Gluzman, Michael Gluzman

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