Statistics and meaning of name Gnirss
We have no records about Gnirss being used as firstname.
Surname Gnirss is used at least 12 times in at least 4 countries.
Given names
Morten Gnirss (2) Eduardo Gnirss (1) Walter Gnirss (1) Amanda Gnirss (1) Gary Gnirss (1) Fritz Gnirss (1) Peri Gnirss (1) |
Gnirss reversed is Ssring
Name contains 6 letters - 16.67% vowels and 83.33% consonants.
Misspells: Gnilss Gnirrss Gnirsss Gnyrss Gnjrss Gnerss Gnirssa Ginrss Gnisrs
Rhymes: fierce pierce years fears mills
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Guenter Gnirss says: up to now my studies revealed three more or less reasonable origins: 1)Prof. Udolph derives the name from Knirschen (grinding with teeth) which is douptful because Knirschen is not an Alemann word. 2) A proposal from the Badische Zeitung (Bad Säckingen) is that an early Gniers was ungenerous (schwäbisch genirisch) 3) some persons from southern Baden ment that the name comes from "Knirps" manikin. I leave it up to the reader to find his favorite explanation
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