Statistics and meaning of name Godtschalck

We have no records about Godtschalck being used as firstname.
Surname Godtschalck is used at least 7 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Denmark)

Given names
Catherine Godtschalck (1)
Henrik Godtschalck (1)
Frederic Godtschalck (1)
Christophe Godtschalck (1)
Nicolas Godtschalck (1)
Bruno Godtschalck (1)

Surname Godtschalck in France   

Godtschalck reversed is Kclahcstdog
Name contains 11 letters - 18.18% vowels and 81.82% consonants.

Misspells: Godtscholck Godtsschalck Godtschalcka Gdotschalck Godtschalkc Godtschaclk

Rhymes: talc charabanc attack cardiac stack

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States

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