Statistics and meaning of name Goehr

We have no records about Goehr being used as firstname.
Surname Goehr is used at least 17 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 格尔 (pinyin: gé ěr)

      Surname Goehr
Given names
Amira Goehr (1)
Jean Goehr (1)
Lawrence Goehr (1)
Alexander Goehr (1)
Bob Goehr (1)
Margaret Goehr (1)
Mike Goehr (1)
Wilfred Goehr (1)

Surname Goehr in USA   

Goehr reversed is Rheog
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Goerh Hreog Rgohe Gohre Goher Roehg Georh
Misspells: Goehl Goehrr Goehra Geohr Goerh Goher

Rhymes: core corps cor gore for

Meaning of this name is unknown.

david owen says: goehr does not rhyme with 'core' etc. it rhymes with 'burr.

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany United Kingdom France Canada Spain Brazil Switzerland Norway Malaysia Netherlands Taiwan


Famous people: Alexander Goehr, Walter Goehr

Writers: Laelia Goehr, Brian Goehring, Margot Goehring, Jeanette Goehring, Jeannette Goehring, Lydia Goehr, Cindy Goehring, Alexander Goehr, Eleanor Goehring, Frank Goehre, Janet B. Goehring, Edmund Joseph Goehring, Harvey John Goehring, Margot Becke-Goehring, Dana L. Goehring, Keith A. Goehring, Hans-Georg Goehring, James E. Goehring

Books: "Goehring: a family history"

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