Statistics and meaning of name Gogolan

We have no records about Gogolan being used as firstname.
Surname Gogolan is used at least 84 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 戈戈兰 (pinyin: gē gē lán)

      Surname Gogolan
Given names
Maria Gogolan (7)
Ion Gogolan (7)
Anghel Gogolan (6)
Constantin Gogolan (4)
Elena Gogolan (3)
Marian Gogolan (3)
Florea Gogolan (3)
Gheorghe Gogolan (3)
Adrian Gogolan (2)
Niculae Gogolan (2)
Georgeta Gogolan (2)
Petre Gogolan (2)
Scarlat Gogolan (2)
Victor Gogolan (2)
Aurel Gogolan (2)
Stefan Gogolan (2)
Nicolae Gogolan (2)
Sofia Gogolan (1)
Valentina Gogolan (1)
Petrut Gogolan (1)
Ioana Gogolan (1)
Danut Gogolan (1)
Bogdan Gogolan (1)
Aura Gogolan (1)
Ecaterina Gogolan (1)
Eugen Gogolan (1)
Mariana Gogolan (1)
Florentina Gogolan (1)
Marieta Gogolan (1)

Surname Gogolan in USA   

Gogolan reversed is Nalogog
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Ggonoal Olgoang Olognag Ognoalg Noggoal Naolgog
Misspells: Gogolon Gogolana Ggoolan Gogolna Gogoaln

Rhymes: Angolan Golan Nolan Alan Allan Ameslan

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Thailand Lithuania Germany France Europe Greece Serbia


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