Statistics and meaning of name Gorenjak

We have no records about Gorenjak being used as firstname.
Surname Gorenjak is used at least 20 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 戈雷尼亚克 (pinyin: gē léi ní yà kè)

      Surname Gorenjak
Given names
Nenad Gorenjak (2)
Marcel Gorenjak (2)
Darko Gorenjak (1)
Mijo Gorenjak (1)
Mirela Gorenjak (1)
Sasa Gorenjak (1)
Viktorija Gorenjak (1)
Ljubica Gorenjak (1)
Jelena Gorenjak (1)
Mirko Gorenjak (1)
Friedrich Gorenjak (1)
Aleksandar Gorenjak (1)
Bosiljka Gorenjak (1)
Anna Gorenjak (1)
Branislav Gorenjak (1)
Jovan Gorenjak (1)

Surname Gorenjak in Austria   Surname Gorenjak in Croatia   

Gorenjak reversed is Kajnerog
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Egroknaj Arejnokg Noragekj Knoragje Rjonagke
Misspells: Gorenjok Golenjak Gorrenjak Goreniak Gorenjaka Groenjak Gorenjka Gorenajk

Rhymes: Kojak shellack philatelic

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Serbia Slovenia Thailand Russian Federation Croatia Germany

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