Statistics and meaning of name Gosl

We have no records about Gosl being used as firstname.
Surname Gosl is used at least 23 times in at least 1 countries. (Austria)

Given names
Franz Gosl (4)
Vera Gosl (1)
Ulrich Gosl (1)
Margot Gosl (1)
Dorothea Gosl (1)
Luisa Gosl (1)
Sandra Gosl (1)
Petra Gosl (1)
Josefine Gosl (1)
Felix Gosl (1)
Herma Gosl (1)
Alfred Gosl (1)
Rudolf Gosl (1)
Reinhard Gosl (1)
Erwin Gosl (1)
Ewald Gosl (1)
Hannelore Gosl (1)
Gunter Gosl (1)
Diane Gosl (1)

Surname Gosl in Austria   

Gosl reversed is Lsog
Name contains 4 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Gols Gsol Lsog Losg
Misspells: Gossl Gosla Gsol Gols

Rhymes: fossil docile jostle apostle colossal

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Germany Yemen France


Writers: Juliet Gosling, Nalda Gosling, Ted Gosling, Gerard Gosling, John Gosling, Gabby Gosling, Geo Gosling, Lesley Gosling, Alan Gosling, Mary Gosling, Anne Gosling, Sam Gosling, Luci Gosling, Louisa Gosling, Jonathan Gosling, Dot Gosling, Philip Gosling, Sophie Gosling, Ray Gosling, James Gosling

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